Blocksim Reliability Software Free

ReliaSoft software applications provide a powerful range of solutions to facilitate a comprehensive set of reliability engineering modeling and analysis techniques. ReliaSoft products help: • Drive reliability improvement by design, both qualitatively and quantitatively, while infusing Design for Reliability (DFR) activities with relevant information that can be used for next-generation products. • Use data-driven analysis to address today's demanding performance specifications, while capturing enterprise-wide knowledge within a self-improving, closed-loop system. • Quickly discover design and process flaws before release to manufacturing while evaluating and improving design margins to reduce development time and cost. • Accurately estimate system availabilities and maintenance schedules from field and test data to reduce field failures and system downtimes. • Forecast the system and component failures, estimate returns to reduce costs through better warranty modeling and spare part inventory management. • Determine the reliability and availability of the system, resulting in reduced operating costs and minimized unscheduled downtime.

• Use advanced statistical methods to support management in financial decision planning.


I am trying to find a software (free if possible) to simulate System Reliability. More specifically, I am looking to simulate systems with sub-components that each have probabilistic (and not deterministic) failure rates (Probabilistic density functions) and if possible probabilistic repair times (MTTR).

Good billboard design will include some elements of redundancy but optimising when and how to implement maintenance support is a complex task based on component reliability properties. This is a classic scenario to explore in BlockSim. For simplicity, the block diagram in below is used to represent a billboard.

If possible, the software should handle multiple failure causes for a single system component. My objective is to calculate a system probabilistic reliability function and an overall system MTTR based on time-dependent simulations. The current software I know of is Blocksim from reliasoft (too expensive) and openreliability, but if I'm not mistaken they do not deal with probabilistic failure rates.


If you know a package on R or Python that does the trick I am interested in that too. Thank you for your help!

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