Kodi Na Gta San Andreas Playstation 2 Na Russkom
R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, down, X after activating this code, get a weapon that you can lock on to pedestrains, motorcyists (person driving a motorcycle), or biycist(pedestrain riding a biycle) then press 'up' then the person you recruit will automatically recieve a rocket launcher(dumb-fire), unless they have a weapon of thier own. ACTUALLY WORK ON POLICE OFFICERS, PARAMEDICS, AND FIRE FIGTHERS!!! If you target someone and you try to recriut them, and they refuse, then shoot a bullet at them, and dont fire another shot, because your gang will start firing their weapons at the person you shot at, and they wont stop firing till that person is dead. If you want to recruit a police office, make sure to enter the 'never get wanted' or 'lock wanted star to current star rating'(make sure you have no wanted level or this will not work). After you entered the cheat, then find a police officer or a police motorcyist and target him then try to recruit him, if refuse, then shoot him till he die as his punishment. Please rate!! Geta jetpack [cheat: left, right; L1,L2,R1,R2; up; down, left, right.] then get as high as possible in the air with your jetpack and then hold X en at the same time quickly tab the Triangle button like 10 times.
What happens??: cj will swing with he's arms like he does if he falls but he will they in the air then move your LEFT analoge joystick to remove cj in the air. He will keep swinging with he's arms but he will fly trou the air;D thankz guyzz if it don't workz. Then you did anything wrong:p. You will need a sniper rifle with at least about 10 bullets to do this. When you reach the gate, take out your sniper rifle and shoot the man next to the switch.Then shoot the guard behind the two crates and shoot the warehouse switch.The door will open and you will see two guards.Kill them both with your sniper rifle.Then jump over the gate.DO NOT SHOOT THE SWITCH YET.Ride the forklift and position all the crates near the end of the warehouse.Put the forklift positioned inside the warehouse (behind the crates) and now welcome ryder. You can now easily just pick up the crates and load them.If you can, you could drive the van in reverse so that they can't shoot ryder.

Mar 29, 2015 - chit-kodi-dlya-heroes-2 chit-kodi-dlya-heroes-3-58 chit-kodi-dlya-heroes-3-in-the-wake-of-gods. Chit-kodi-dlya-hitman chit-kodi-dlya-hitman2-na-playstation2. Chit-kodi-dlya-igor-na-psp chit-kodi-dlya-igor-na-ruskom-yazike chit-kodi-dlya-igor. Chit-kodi-dlya-igr-gta-san-andreas chit-kodi-dlya-igr-gta.
GOOD LUCK!!!! Jason is now in San Andreas. Well not the real Jason but I can help you make Carl Johnson as Black Jason (no offense). The first thing you're going to need is a hockey mask and Prolaps has it. The next thing you're going to need is a knife (since a machere doesn't exist in San Andreas).
As far as clothes are concerned, you need black gloves, black pants, black boots, a black shirt and the closest to the jacket that Jason wears as you can get. Now that you got everything on the list, put on the pants, shirt, boots and gloves on CJ first. Then find a knife and finally put on the mask.
Now go wreak havoc. I've looked up the three main train glitches, and this is not one of them. I discovered it myself. OK here goes: This works best near the desert area (the area above Los Santos, I don't know what it's called).
So here's what you do. You get yourself infinite health and go find a train. Most times this one will fall of the tracks. Go find another train. DO NOT DIE UNTIL YOU FINISH THIS!!! Drive that train as fast as it goes. Diablo 3 pc iso torrents downloads pc.
This can take an unknown number of times to activate, but eventually the train will not stop for construction zones and will just drive right through them. It will still eventually fall off, but the vibration will be all screwed up, and the train may shake and then stop shaking. I would strongly recommend the Lock Current Wanted Level, since you want to avoid dying, and the moment you enter this area, you get a 4-Star Wanted Level. You will need a sniper rifle with at least about 10 bullets to do this. When you reach the gate, take out your sniper rifle and shoot the man next to the switch.Then shoot the guard behind the two crates and shoot the warehouse switch.The door will open and you will see two guards.Kill them both with your sniper rifle.Then jump over the gate.DO NOT SHOOT THE SWITCH YET.Ride the forklift and position all the crates near the end of the warehouse.Put the forklift positioned inside the warehouse (behind the crates) and now welcome ryder.
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