Sportsfest Program Example
LEHIGH VALLEY SPORTSFEST, INC. (LVSF) IS A 501 (C) (3) CORPORATION ORGANIZED IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND IS REGISTERED WITH THE PENNSYLVANIA BUREAU OF CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS. THE PURPOSE OF LVSF IS TO PROMOTE SPORTS IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY BY OFFERING LOCAL ATHLETES THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE IN THE SPORT OF THEIR CHOICE. Sportsfest Program Example free download programs. Each location will have electrical hook- ups to allow portable heating and cooling units to ensure your foods maintain safe temperatures and the highest quality. Sportsfest volunteers will be available to assist your staff on- site, from set- up to tear- down. Resident evil the umbrella chronicles pc utorrent software free version.
Campus Recreation’s 14th annual SportsFest took place Aug. 28 at the South Campus fields. The event brought nearly 700 students, faculty and staff together to participate in six different team challenges, which included sack, relay, sponge, and trolley races, as well as tug-of-war and dodgeball. Many teams were made up of first year students who played with their residence halls or orientation groups, while other teams had been playing together for years.

Teams were encouraged to invite Orientation Leaders, Residence Assistants, SMART Mentors, and faculty/staff to play, which could help them earn more points. First place went to #squad goals, followed by Sloan Rangers in second and The Naders in third. The top 24 teams won SportsFest tanks. Organizers said they would like to thank participants and hope to see the teams compete again next year. Be sure to register for Slip ‘n Slide, co-sponsored with Elonthon, coming up on Sept.