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View Article Name 영경 2009-11-11 15:41:22 Hit: 19133 Vote: 6 Subject 아노리우 보시오~ 헬로우 아노리우! 대문이 뻔떡뻔떡 거려서 깜짝 놀랬다 아이가 잘 지내지? 작품 보고 있는데, 학부 졸업전시 때 즈음보다 좋다 물론 할 말 무쟈게 많이 보이는 건 여전하네 그럼. 그래야 아노류지.ㅎㅎㅎ 암튼 이전보다 풍성하고 성숙해진 너의 그림 반갑고 기쁘게 잘 잘 보고 간당// anoliw (2009-11-13 23:24:53) 영경아 참 오랜만이구나. 궁금하다~ 그림 좋게 봐줘서 고맙다.
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시간나면 꼭 작업실 한 번 놀러와. 월.화.금은 보통 하루 종일 작업실에 있거든. 뜨거운 정수기 물 정도는 줄 수 있어.
The dilution factor chosen for the series of calibration standards is achievable by using serial dilution. The progression of calibration standard concentration is always a geometric series. Consider the example of making the first standard at 1/3 the concentration of the known, the next calibrant would be 1/9th the concentration of the known and the following two calibrants formed are 1/27th and 1/81st. Dilution factor = mathematical reciprocal of dilution (inverse, exponent always negative) What is the advantages and disadvantages to the serial dilution agar plate procedure Advantage - it has countable viable cells to count. Start studying 13) Serial dilution agar plate. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What is the advantages. As the dilutions progress, you will reach a point where a reasonable number of colonies can be counted and multiplied by the dilution factor to get concentration. Disadvantages- does not separate bacteria like a streak plate and you have to work with liquid agar.