After Effects News Ticker Template For Cover
Premium After Effects Templates for News. Each of our AE templates are project files containing: intro animations. Lower thirds to display titles and names. Strani zarubezhnoj azii konturnaya karta. Presenters and reporters. Screens for interviews. Transitions from one newsroom to another. Studio desks. We've curated the best collection of Video Elements and After Effects templates from the world's leading designers. At RocketStock. Use your video pack.
I started work a couple of months ago in an upcoming African news channel. Its been a hell of a workload as there is lots of different programs and features all needing there little look. For the news though they required something abit more conservative and simple compared to your amazing Starship Troopers-esque graphic. The reason we keep it simple is because we have to live key the show on a V.T machine. So all in-house graphics can't be sophistacated as the machine is.well simple. And you have to code the animation into it.
So I stay well clear. Dude, I sooo needed this like a month ago, I have a show called the nightwatchmen chronicles wich entales some night time security guards just annoying eachother and there was an episode I did that took place as a news broadcast and I did my own template and it was no where near as cool as your templates. But now that you posted these up I hope you dont mind that I use them in future episodes. But in case you want to know, I do use on your text projects as my end credits platform for all my episodes.
But either way thanks for these projects man they really come in handy. Keep up the bad a%$ work. You never cease to amaze us andrew. Im just a kid who never even know about AE until i googled 'lightsaber effect' (out of pure curiosty) and now im hooked on AE!
I havent learned much besides what i have gotten from you, and i feel like i can do a lot of things by myself now. (actually i recently bought a book, but you know:P ) adobe should pay you cuz these tutorials made me get cs3! Yeh kya hua. Rofl thank you so much, you cant understand how much we appreciate your hard effort to pump out new tutorials all the time.
Thanks again!