How To Install Gaussian 09 Linux Ubuntu
Gaussian 03 Installation Instructions for Linux Recent news WebMO 19.0 is now available for! WebMO 19.0 and have a variety of additional features and is available for. The WebMO app is now available for. March 10, 2019 Gaussian 03 Installation Instructions for Linux • Obtain Gaussian 03 Gaussian 03 is a commercial software product and must be purchased from Both source code and pre-compiled binary versions of Gaussian 03 are available. • Setup gaussian group and add authorized users to this group $ su # cd /etc # cp -p group group.bak # cp -p gshadow gshadow.bak # grep 499 group # groupadd -g 499 gaussian # usermod -a -G gaussian webmo # usermod -a -G gaussian smith # usermod -a -G gaussian jones • Copy binary distribution from CD-ROM # mount /mnt/cdrom # cd /usr/local # cp -p /mnt/cdom/tar/*.TAZ.
Aug 14, 2012 Re: Install Gaussian 09 on Ubuntu 10.04 From the Ubuntu Forums Code of Conduct. If a post is older than a year or so and hasn't had a new reply in.

# umount /mnt/cdrom • Extract files and change permissions # tar xzvf *.TAZ # chown -R root:gaussian g03 # chmod -R o-rwx g03 # exit • Optionally, setup gaussian environment $ cd ~ $ mkdir g03 $ cd g03 $ vi g03setup_sh export g03root=/usr/local export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/tmp. $g03root/g03/bsd/g03.profile • Optionally, run a test job from the command line $ cd ~/g03 $ cp -p /usr/local/g03/tests/com/ $ cp -p /usr/local/g03/tests/sgi/test001.log test001.log.sgi $.