Shs Scrap File Windows 7
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Notes about the.shs file extension: It is a MS Windows Shell Scrap Object file. Download template kaos untuk photoshop online. This file is created by MS Word and MS Excel when a user drags and drops selected document text onto the desktop. It is used to copy portions of a document for insertion into another document. When SHS files are created, an icon is placed on the desktop. When Microsoft released the Windows Vista operating system, the Redmond company opted to remove the dedicated handler file that allowed users to drag- and- drop SHS files to the desktop or to Word and Excel. Consequently, the following Windows versions are unable to handle SHS files: Windows Vista. Windows Server 2.
As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site. Or read our to learn how to use this site. Squirrel gazovie kotli. Hi there, Just recently I transfered some files from My Documents into my My Pictures directory.
Actually, its a word document containing some images. I did copy pasted some images into another folder. Then a Scrap.shs file just came out instead of the images that I am copying. I did googled about scrap.shs file and have read that the copying and pasting might have caused the said incident. But whenever I would delete it, it would say that the file is in use and cannot delete the file and I need to close the running application or used file first. Can somebody how to delete this file?
I am also paranoid that this might be a virus.
Hi AndyDenis, Office 2016 doesn't support to open the.shs file, but you can try to use WordPad to open them. Please follow the steps below to open scrap files: 1. Move the scrap file to your computer's desktop, if it is not already stored there. Type “WordPad” in the search box and click Enter, then click the WordPad app to open it. Resize the WordPad application's window so a portion of your computer's desktop is showing. Click and drag the scrap file into WordPad.
The file's text content will open in the WordPad application. Do not double-click the file--the file may launch in the application it originated from and open the file it is related to. View the scrap file's text content. If an icon appears in WordPad instead of the file's text content, right-click the icon and select 'Package Object/Edit Package' to view the scrap file's contents. Regards, Rosen.